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The Verdict Came In: Sexual Holocaust Banned From Drivethru

As expected, Drivethru will keep the scenario suspended unless I do “revisions”. But they were extremely vague about it all and they didn’t even bother to quote what was against their policies. I just got (again) a quotation from their own guidelines with a bold segment: rape or other acts of criminal perversion. Basically, OBS thinks we should screw ourselves because we are irrelevant independent publishers. Will we censor Sexual Holocaust? Fuck no! We’re all out of bubblegum…
PS. By the way, as we explained before, there are mentions to rape, yes, but it doesn’t need to happen in game. Did they even read the bloody thing? Probably not.

1 thought on “The Verdict Came In: Sexual Holocaust Banned From Drivethru

  1. I suspect they ran in through a key word search algorithm instead of reading it.

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